Official currency unit: kwanza Kz.
Commercial currency unit: US Dollar.
Average population density: 9.6 persons per km2.
Rate of population increase: 2.9% annually.
Average life duration: 45 years for men; 48 years for women.
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (1997) – 2 854 651 billion new kwanza.
GDP (1997): 2 854 651 billion Kz
Annual GDP growth rate – 9.5%.
The Trade Deficit-to-GDP ratio – 8.9%.
The National Debt-to-GDP ratio – 18%.
Annual inflation rate: on the average - 107% (in 2002).
Employment distribution pattern: primary economic sector (extraction, mining, harvesting): 68.5%; secondary economic sector (processing): 4.5%; tertiary economic sector (commerce): 26.8%.
Principal export commodities: petroleum, diamonds, various minerals, timber, fish, coffee, cotton and sisal agave.
Principal import commodities: foodstuffs, beverages, vegetables, electric appliances and automobiles.
Main foreign trade partners: USA, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil and South Africa.
Main seaports: Luanda, Lobito and Namibe.
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